1·Permanent magnets with control lever.
2·Carriage mounted spindle control lever.
3·Second, emphasis on the role of interest rate regulation and control lever.
4·It is driven through 8 V-Belts and the chamber can be easily accessed by hydraulic control lever.
5·Thank you for adding the fourth control lever, this enabled us to attach our grab for stacking packs of 15 bale of hay in our sheds.
6·At the left control lever is the handle of the clutch, at the right control lever is the handle of the stopper of the control levers.
7·Worker can adjust the handle and seat to make fit to his or her own body type with Position Control Lever, which relieve workers fatigue when operating for hours.
8·A control lever runs through a lower fertilizer passage below the fertilization box, with the upper end provided with a raised head which reaches an exit inside the fertilization box.
9·Mr Orszag is right that, if implemented, this provision will represent an important lever of cost control.
10·NIBCO swing check valves are available with an outside lever and weight. The lever and weight arrangement is used to maintain exterior control over disc movement.